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Description of FASt (Flexibles Aufzugs System)

Since the land price in downtown of major cities still is escalating, the trend of building skyscrapers will hold on, even if there recently appeared some disadvantages caused by terrorist attacks. The higher a building, the more people have to be transported and so the demands on the traffic performance increase. This normally leads to a higher need of space of the elevator system, that can be up to 30% of the total volume [1]. The cause can be found in the longer distance for a cabin to go, so that it takes more cabins and additional shafts to handle the volume of traffic. If the elevator system occupies more space, there is less floor space left that can be let. The owners of such buildings are therefore highly interested in saving space.

To improve the traffic efficiency of an elevator system, the proportion of maximum traffic capacity to the need of space must be reduced. The following measures should lead to this goal:

1. More than one cabin is able to move in the same shaft
2. The cabins are able to change to shaft.
3. Smaller cabins can be used due to taxi rides.

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